Discussion - Spirits, Essential Oils, Vinegar

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Buying a book "Essential oil makers handbook"

Leon am 15.11.2021 19:23:59 | Region: Russia


I wouldlike to buy your book. According to reviews, the book is very useful and

interesting. But unfortunately, Amazon and the other store listed on your site
do not deliver to Russia. Is it possible to buy an electronic version? Or buy a
paper version, but in a different way.

Regards Leon

RE: Buying a book

schmickl am 16.11.2021 11:17:43 | Region: Carinthia
Thanks a lot for asking!
Yes, this is possible, just order via our online-store (see top of this page, click on "shop"), we're able to send books to nearly every country of the world.

best regards, helge schmickl