Discussion - Spirits, Essential Oils, Vinegar

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Everything I distill taste the same

Matt Ehlen am 03.09.2021 17:07:34 | Region: St. Louis, Missouri

I have been distilling for about a year now. I have tried to distill rum, gin and whiskey. Everything I have distilled taste the same. It all taste like ethanol without any other flavor. Even when distilling through coconut for coconut rum it didn't taste any different. I have tried botanicals as well for Gin and that tasted the same as anything else. The only thing I can think of is I am distilling at too high or temperature. I start out at around 170 to 180 but usually wind up at 180 to 190 (Fahrenheit). I'm pretty sure that I make my cuts correctly too. I waste the first 250ml. then collect in small Pint jars so that I can keep tasting it to see when it changes. I have been using a propane burner to distill but recently bought an electric element to use. I have not used the electric but I am hoping I can control the heat better and make my results taste better. Can you think of anything else I may be doing wrong? I would like to produce somethin that taste good. The ABV content is very high usually.

RE: Everything I distill taste the same

Franz am 03.09.2021 22:03:45 | Region: Tirol

It could be, you're separating the tails too early. Or the yeast you're using, or no yeast at all, a "wild" fermented mash has many undesired by-products, so the result will always taste similar. Or it's the still itself, if the reflux is too strong, try a kind of pot still. With this type of still you won't get the highest possible alcohol content, but you won't lose all the aromatic substances, since the rectification results in very clean (tasteless) alcohol. Read the mentioned book here in the section "books" for a thorough and more detailed information.