Discussion - Spirits, Essential Oils, Vinegar

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pagoose am 31.10.2023 16:09:12 | Region: Greenwood

This is my first try at distilling so I have 2 questions. First- the product that came through the condenser proofed out at 170. What should I use to cut this to a more palatable level? Second- there was as much product left in the thump kettle as from the condenser. This proofed out at about 130. Is this normal?

RE: Newbe

Tom am 02.11.2023 09:40:11 | Region: Tyrol

1) demineralized (purified) water

2) Consider the following: due to distillation alone, nothing will be added or removed from the original content of the kettle before distillation. Will say, if you mix the entire distillate with the residual kettle content after distillation, you'll end up with the exact same mixture which you poured into the kettle before distillation.

In fact: it's not so easy to determine the alcohol content of non-distillates. Any contents except water and ethanol seriously influence density and refractive index. Thus, to analyze the alcohol concentration of the residual kettle content properly, you have to distill first a sample, to get rid of all interfering substances first, before you actually measure the alcohol content.