Discussion - Spirits, Essential Oils, Vinegar

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Vinegar with no alcohol

Dan23 am 17.01.2022 12:11:52 | Region: Florida

Hello all, this is my first time trying to make vinegar and I have what is probably a basic question. Six days ago I gathered some oak exudate from a wound on the trunk and mixed it into a sugar solution (using molasses) with a potential ABV of 4.5%. This was in hopes of capturing and propagating a saccharomyces strain of yeast, in order to ferment some alcohol and later try and turn it to vinegar. For 2 or 3 days I oxygenated it with an aquarium aerator. Well, strange thing--this morning I smelled it and it already smells like vinegar. How can that be? After 6 days in solution, there has been only a hint of bubbles, so it's hard to imagine any significant alcohol production by yeast, much less a chance for an acetobacter to have converted it to acetic acid. In reading about heterofermentative lactic-acid-producing bacteria, I learned that some of them can also produce acetic acid directly from sugar (if I understood right), so perhaps that's what's happening? pH is currently at 4.6. Unfortunately, silly me, I did not check the pH at the beginning of this process 6 days ago.

Any thoughts on what might be happening?

RE: Vinegar with no alcohol

Tom am 03.02.2022 09:33:43 | Region: Tyrol

Yes, aeration only attracts vinegar bacteria, not so much yeast. Do not confuse: In principle it's true, yeast will grow if aerated, but doing this only makes sense if you have added cultured yeast beforehand and nevertheless you will always run the risk of introducing an infection of (at this stage unwanted) vinegar bacteria.

"...only a hint of bubbles..." this is already enough to perfectly feed your unwanted infection. Vinegar bacteria can also feed on very low concentrations of alcohol.

Nobody can tell which mixture of microorganisms you have introduced by the aeration, so, of course, yes, this could also be possible. It's just a kind of lottery, you can't predict the end result.