Discussion - Spirits, Essential Oils, Vinegar

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Wanting to start distilling essential oils

Robby am 09.09.2024 13:07:49 | Region: California

Hello i was wanting to begin to attempt to extract essential oils.

- I was wondering if anyone has used one of the style oil distillers i have attached? Is it better to have the seperate flask for the material your trying to extract from that the steam flows into or is it ok to use the single flask style where you add the material into the water? Does one yield better amounts?

- I was thinking about doing orange e.o. (because we have an orange tree that produces a lot of oranges), probably eucalyptus e.o. because i know of areas with a lot of euc trees, and maybe lavender, and other flowers, depending on how much is needed same with rosemary, and possibly sassafras to make delicious tea and attempt to make homemade rootbeer.

- Do you want to use dried material or fresh material for each of these choices.

-how much material of each of these would you need to make 1fl oz of essential

- How much essential oil could you extract from a 500ml, 1000ml, or 2000m glass distiller like the ones shown.

- Should i run more than one pull(flask of water) for each flask of material?

- Do you have to have exact temps like you would for distilling alcohol, or will it work so long as water is boiling?

- I ask this because if possible id like to use any fuel source i possibly can such as different types of alcohols, propane, an electric burner, even kerosene and similar fuels, pretty much any fuel that can burn in a wick style kerosene lamp or a glass wick-less alcohol burner.

- any of your knowledge and information would be a great help. Thank you!!!

RE: Wanting to start distilling essential oils

Schmickl am 10.09.2024 11:59:43 | Region: Carinthia

To be honest, for several reasons none of these devices work well to produce essential oils. Anyway, all your questions are answered thoroughly and in great detail in this book:

The Essential Oil Maker’s Handbook – A Practical Guide

Bettina Malle, Helge Schmickl
Publisher: Spikehorn Press U.S.A.,
132 pages, hardcover, full-color
photographs & illustrations
ISBN: 978-1-943015-00-9

Available here or at amazon.com